I was privileged to contribute a chapter on my dissertation project for the anthology ‚Anti-Semitism between Continuity and Adaptivity‘. This volume was published in the follow-up of the 1st Interdisciplinary Anti-Semitism Conference for Young Scholars at V&R unipress. You can read my text here in the Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht e-library.

Abstract: The relationship between antisemitism and gender has so far received little attention in the discussions of antisemitism research in the social sciences. The academic literature on antisemitism focuses mainly on male antisemites, even though in recent years there have been few, isolated contributions that have reflected on antisemitic women and . A desideratum of research on antisemitism that remains to be addressed, are studies that investigate antisemitism of women in the context of specific historical and social contexts and raise questions about the cultural embedding of antisemitic ideas in other contexts. Therefore, the paper firstly addresses the limitations of psychoanalytically based contributions on the relationship between antisemitism and gender and discusses the epistemological value of gender-historical perspectives on antisemitism. Second, the paper traces in condensed form antisemitism-related discourse strands in feminist movement contexts in the Federal Republic and the United States between 1970-2001 from an entangled history / transnational history perspective.
Christian Kleindienst, Antisemitismus und Geschlecht – Zur Integration und Kritik antisemitischer Ressentiments in der (west-)deutschen und US-amerikanischen Frauenbewegung (1970–2001), in: Lennard Schmidt/Andreas Borsch/Salome Richter/Marc Seul/Luca Zarbock/Niels Heudtlaß (Hg.), Antisemitismus zwischen Kontinuität und Adaptivität, 1. Aufl., Göttingen 2022, 121–136. https://doi.org/10.14220/9783737014984.121
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